AP Past Weeks
Week of 8-3-20 through 8-7-20
No School. Teachers report.
Homework: .
No School. Teachers prep.
Homework: .
Wednesday: (All Classes meet on Canvas)
Students will meet on Zoom where we will discuss platforms to be used and how to navigate my Canvas pages. Students will access a Google Doc on which they will check in for attendance--the following days for attendance will take place as students are given access to the Zoom for the day.
Homework: Familiarize yourself with Canvas and my website.
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will start with a warm-up activity on Zoom while attendance is taken. Students will go into breakout rooms to complete their Canvas Discussion assignment. Then we will come together and discuss. We will then begin discussion of one of the quick and easy ways to deconstruct an argument: SOAPSTone. Students will begin reading "Why Don't We Know Who the Coronavirus Victims Are?" We will read and discuss. Once finished, students will be placed in breakout rooms to complete their SOAPSTone on a Google Doc and upload to Canvas--Due by Friday morning at 8:05am.
Homework: Be sure to complete your SOAPSTone and upload to Canvas by tomorrow morning.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No AP English Lang today. Finish your "Tell Me About Yourself". Students will complete an Argument Essay response in relation to the Ibram X. Kendi article from yesterday--Due Tuesday of next week on Canvas by 8:05am.
Homework: Finish "About Yourself" video and Argument Essay.
Week of 8-10-20 through 8-14-20
Summer Assignments due on August 27th
Teachers report. Students check-in with 2nd Period teacher at 12:15 p.m.--my students will connect on Zoom. Teachers have office hours from 12:35-2:35. Check your Canvas to see what teachers have to offer.
Homework: Keep an eye on your "To Do" List.
Tuesday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will deconstruct visual rhetoric in the chat while I take attendance. Students will then go over the Gauntlet assignment in which they will deconstruct their essay--check Canvas for instructions. We will then review the 6pt rubric for the Argument essay. Students will give themselves a score and a brief justification, directly on their essay. We will go over turnitin.com and why it is necessary to use it.
Homework: Students will read "How Should One Read a Book?" by Virginia Woolf (Be sure to scroll down on the webpage). Annotate and respond to her use of powerful diction (word choice) and phrases and its affect on you in your understanding of yourself as a reader; have a conversation with the text, with Woolf as you respond in your annotations.
Wednesday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Work on essay revision and "How Should One Read a Book?". Get signed up on turnitin.com. Class ID: 25617206 Enrollment Key: u2rocks
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will pick up their textbooks today. No class will meet. However, continuing revising the Argument essay.
Homework: Be sure to complete your annotations for "How Should One Read a Book?" by Virginia Woolf.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Read & Annotate "Listening" by Eudora Welty. Print and annotate --the same way as you did for Virginia Woolf's piece on "reading". Prepare for discussion on Tuesday. Finish highlighting and revising your Argument essay by Tuesday and upload to turnitin.com.
Week of 8-17-20 through 8-21-20
Summer Assignments due on August 27th
Teachers report. Students check-in with 2nd Period teacher at 12:15 p.m.--my students will connect on Zoom. Teachers have office hours from 12:35-2:35. Check your Canvas to see what teachers have to offer.
Homework: Keep an eye on your "To Do" List.
Tuesday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will complete a warm-up visual rhetoric analysis in the Chat. We will then move on to discuss completing a peer evaluation for the revised Argument essay. Students will work for 15-20 minutes on peer evaluation on turnitin.com. We will then move on to our discussion of the two articles read last week. Students will complete a group response in breakout rooms in which they will provide the purpose, key strategies by the author to convey that purpose, and the tone used by the author. Students must provide at least one quote as evidence for each.
Homework: Students will read Chapter 1 of EAA (Everything's an Argument) and they will take notes on pages 164-165 for Toulmin's Argument.
Wednesday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Finish work with EEA--Chapter 1 and pages 164-165. Students will then read "Why I Write" by George Orwell from MME (Major Modern Essayists) on page 90.
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will analyze visual rhetoric in the Chat. I will then introduce students to Yo' Momma Vocabulary, which would normally be on Friday, but we will start doing these on Thursday. This week's Yo' Momma Vocab. We will then discuss Orwell's piece "Why I Write". We will build Toulmin's Argument from Orwell's essay in preparation for students completing Toulmin's Argument for homework on Didion's "Why I Write".
Homework: Read Joan Didion's essay "Why I Write" in MME on page 224. Students will complete Toulmin's Argument as a deconstruction of her argument. Students will post their assignment on Canvas. We will also begin forging our rhetorical terms and literary terms to study for the year. Click HERE for list of terms. Terms are due at the end of September.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Finish work with Joan Didion's essay and Toulmin's Argument. Work on terms. You will also read Octavio Paz's piece "Hygiene and Repression" in MME on page 412 as well as James Baldwin's "Stranger in the Village" in MME on page 138. Answer both questions on page 416 and complete Toulmin's for one of the essays--upload the Paz/Baldwin to Canvas.
Week of 8-24-20 through 8-28-20
Summer Assignments due on August 27th--THIS FRIDAY!
Literary Terms List--due at the end of September--click here
Teachers report. Students check-in with 2nd Period teacher at 12:15 p.m.--my students will connect on Zoom. Teachers have office hours from 12:35-2:35. Check your Canvas to see what teachers have to offer.
Homework: Keep an eye on your "To Do" List.
Tuesday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will discuss Toulmin's argument for Didion--we will develop as a class. We will briefly discuss Octavio Paz and James Baldwin's pieces and what students gleaned from their essays. We will discuss purpose and strategies. Students will then move onto a group activity. We will go over the criteria: click here. Students will be assigned a group and the groups will decide which essay they would like to tackle for their group presentation.
Homework: Students will begin working on their components of their project. Work as a team to incorporate all criteria for the assignment. Presentations due Tuesday of next week.
Wednesday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Students should complete all components of their summer assignment for Friday.
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will analyze some visual rhetoric. We will then complete our Yo' Momma Vocabulary. Students will go into breakout rooms to work on the group project--20 minutes. Students will return to begin discussion of the Great Awakening and Jonathan Edwards--view some clips and hear an audio of Edwards' speech. Print and annotate Edwards' speech: click here. Note the overall Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Note all figurative language, parallelism, use of diction that drives tone, analogies, and antithesis.
Homework: Finish Summer Assignment and upload to Canvas. Continue working on the Group presentation--due Tuesday, September 1st. Here is the link to the SOAPSTone Project Rubric: click here.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Finish work with Group presentation. Complete applied practice for Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"--upload assignment to Canvas by Tuesday, September 1st.
Week of 8-31-20 through 9-4-20
Literary Terms List--due at the end of September--click here
Teachers report. Students check-in with 2nd Period teacher at 12:15 p.m.--my students will connect on Zoom. Teachers have office hours from 12:35-2:35. Check your Canvas to see what teachers have to offer.
Homework: Keep an eye on your "To Do" List. Work on the "Sinners" applied practice.
Tuesday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
We will start with discussing the answers to the applied practice. Students will then continue work on group activity. The criteria for the project: click here. Students will be tackling their portion of their group presentation. We will return to "Sinners" by discussing the Great Awakening and Johnathan Edwards--view some clips and hear an audio of Edwards' speech. Note the overall Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Note all figurative language, parallelism, use of diction that drives tone, analogies, and antithesis.
Homework: Students will finish working on their components of their project, and either record or prepare for a live delivery of their portion of the presentation.
Wednesday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Students should complete all components of their presentation.
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will analyze some visual rhetoric. We will then complete our Yo' Momma Vocabulary. Students will begin delivery of presentations. We will begin discussion and reading of "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Students will print the story and note 5 annotations per page, analyzing the allegorical elements of Hawthorne's tale. We will determine what Hawthorne's argument may be about the Puritans through this brief story.
Homework: Complete an applied practice for Patrick Henry's speech--due on Monday, September 7th at 5:00pm on Canvas.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Finish reading "Young Goodman Brown" by Tuesday, September 8th, and finish the applied practice by Monday, September 7th and upload to Canvas by 5:00pm.
Week of 9-7-20 through 9-11-20
Literary Terms List--due on September 30th--click here
Labor Day. No School.
Homework: Keep an eye on your "To Do" List. Work on the "Patrick Henry" applied practice.
Tuesday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
We will start with discussing the answers to the applied practice. Students will then continue delivery of group activity. We will view three presentations. We will end the period with discussing key ideas in "Young Goodman Brown". Students will discuss the elements of the story, including key characters and objects and their impactful allegorical lessons. We will discuss how the story develops Hawthorne's perspective and what his argument is about the Puritan faith and its people. We will briefly write about Hawthorne's purpose in writing the story, using claim, evidence, and warrant.
Homework: Students will finalize their work with "Goodman Brown", take photos of their work, and upload it to Canvas by 5:00pm today.
Wednesday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Students should complete all components of their presentation.
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will start the period with Yo' Momma Vocabulary. Students will finish viewing the presentations. We will briefly discuss Annotated Bibliography. Students will research 6 articles: 3 related to the Salem Witch Trials and 3 related to McCarthyism--the goal is determine the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the topic. Students should also be looking into how the time period impacted society. Students need to research what happened during these periods. Students should critically analyze and review the source material they use and the source's value.
Homework: Work on Annotated Bib articles--share two articles during breakout rooms next week. The whole thing is due on October 1st.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Work on Annotated Bibliography.
Week of 9-14-20 through 9-18-20
Literary Terms List--due on September 30th--click here
Teachers Report. Students will check-in with their 2nd Period class at 12:15. Teachers have Office Hours from 12:35-2:35. Check Canvas to see what your teachers have to offer. I will meet with AP students (if you need help) from 1:35-2:35.
Homework: Keep an eye on your "To Do" List. Please bring in two articles--one for the Salem Witch Trials and one for the McCarthy era for discussion.
Tuesday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
We will start the period with discussion of the Annotated Bibliography--what this is and how to complete it. Click HERE for PowerPoint instructions. Students will research 6 articles: 3 related to the Salem Witch Trials and 3 related to McCarthyism--the goal is to determine the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the topic. Students should also be looking into how the time period impacted society. Students need to research what happened during these periods. Students should critically analyze and review the source material they use and the source's value.
Students will also be introduced to some film clips as we study the time period in which citizens were accused of communism and from where these accusations stemmed--as this parallels a later time period of the "witch hunt". We will start with some background on the "Red Scare". We will then view a clip from Good Night, and Good Luck where Edward Murrow gives a speech about the effects of the Red Scare and the impact of Senator Joseph McCarthy.
Homework: Students will begin work in earnest on the Annotated Bibliography--due October 2nd.
Wednesday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Students should complete all components of their presentation.
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will start the period with Yo' Momma Vocabulary. We will briefly discuss any lingering questions for the Annotated Bibliography. Students will view a PowerPoint with discussion of McCarthyism. Students will download political cartoons to be analyzed. Students will analyze each cartoon's argument, using the specifics in the cartoon to determine what the cartoonist is attempting to convey. We will then move backwards toward the Salem Witch Trials by looking at the origin in Europe and the Spanish Inquisition. We will view a clip from Dangerous Beauty and deconstruct argument used during the trials.
Homework: Work on Annotated Bib articles--due on October 2nd.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Work on Annotated Bibliography. Finish McCarthy cartoon analysis and upload to Canvas by Monday at 5:00pm.
Week of 8-8-22 through 8-12-22
Homework: .
Homework: .
Students Report. Students will start the period with a quick survey. We will then move into another quick activity. Students will spend some time going over my website and basics on Canvas, and we will throw a little syllabus info in. However, we will spend the majority of the period discussing a couple of key concepts: mirror as an archetype and history as storytelling. Students will discuss in small groups why we argue, what we argue about, and types of arguments we make. We will then close the period with a quote from An Indigenous People's History of the United States to set the idea for the argument essay.
Homework: Type an argument essay in MLA format (click HERE for the prompt). Upload the document to Canvas and print it for class as well (we will use colored pencils or highlighters on Friday for this). Due on Friday.
Pick up textbooks. We will need them next week. Next, students will take notes on the back of the handout I provide (SOAPSTone)--click HERE for handout. We will discuss the triangle (the basic premise of deconstructing argument). Additionally, we will address their understanding of the 3 branches of rhetoric and what they mean for analysis. Students will read "Protests Can Change Everything" by Gabrielle Schwarz and Felix Bazalgette. They will then fill out their SOAPSTone handout; they may bounce ideas off of each other, but each student will complete their own handout. .
Homework: Finish Argument essay in MLA format and upload to Canvas.
Then we will address the argument essay draft students brought to class. Students will conduct a quick read through of their essay one more time. Then students will begin making up their paper. They will start with using a color for their thesis statement. They will then locate their supporting claims, using another color. We will then discuss the "warrant" and what this means. Students will look to see if they truly have warranted their ideas in the essay and mark those with another color. Lastly, students will complete a "Gauntlet" of activities for deconstructing their essay for diction, style, and structure.
Homework: Revise and highlight changes to your Argument typed draft--reupload by Wednesday. Read "How Should One Read a Book?" by Virginia Woolf. I would suggest printing and annotating for class--click HERE for PDF version. Note style, structure, and key ideas that lend themselves to purpose. Note elements of author's voice and what she values.
Week of 8-15-22 through 8-19-22
Students will finish Gauntlet work from Friday. Students will revise their essay--noting all changes to content and sentence structure with one color and all added content with another color--Due on Thursday. We will then work on a sample applied practice multiple choice passage. Students will work on their close reading skills and use their logic to deduce which answer is most appropriate to respond to each question of the passage. We will work individually. Then we will work with our tablemates. Then we will discuss as a class.
Homework: Students will then read "Listening" by Eudora Welty. Students will note purpose, strategies, and powerful passages as we read. Upload your annotations to Canvas. Work on Argument Essay Revision--highlight changes--due Thursday.
We will discuss Welty's essay, focusing on the purpose, audience, and strategies she employs. Students will discuss powerful sections and why they are powerful. After discussing key ideas from Welty's writing, students will complete a quickwrite about their own reading experience and space. Take Welty's description approach, unpack your memories and take us on a journey with your own reading experience.
Homework: Finish your annotations for Woolf and upload to Canvas. Work on Argument Essay Revision.
Students will take notes on Toulmin's argument model. Students will use this as the framework of argument. We will view a short YouTube clip to see Toulmin's argument in action--click HERE. We will use the remainder of the period to discuss key concepts in Woolf's essay. We will pinpoint key concepts that Woolf poses to have us consider as we read texts throughout the year. We will discuss purpose, audience, and strategies she employs. Students will discuss powerful sections and why.
Homework: Read "Why I Write" by George Orwell from Major Modern Essayists page 90. Students will outline Toulmin's argument in Orwell's essay. Bring a written copy to class. Don't upload to Canvas. Finish Revision of Argument Essay--highlight all changes and reupload to Canvas.
We will go over Toulmin's argument per Orwell's essay read last night. As students begin to see the concept of Toulmin's, we must think about how we would apply this to our own structure of argument. .
Homework: Students will complete another Toulmin's argument for Joan Didion's "Why I Write" in MME. Yes, same title, different author. This time, type up Toulmin's argument on a Google Doc and upload to Canvas.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!! Discuss Didion's essay and the Toulmin's argument for it. We will work with another applied practice. Students will work independently. Then they will discuss as a group.
Homework: Begin working on Rhetorical and Literary Terms for the year--due next Friday (allegory through annotation)--click HERE for terms.
Week of 8-22-22 through 8-26-22
This week's rhetorical terms (allegory through annotation)-- click HERE for terms
Students will form groups to complete a Poster that demonstrates their understanding of Toulmin's argument and SOAPSTone. Students will be assigned a chapter in MME to read over the weekend and take notes on key details from the chapter based upon the poster assignment--Click HERE for criteria.
Homework: Students will continue working on Group poster elements. Work on Lit and Rhetorical terms--first 7 words due Friday (allegory through annotation).
Students will work in groups on the Mini SOAPSTone and Toulmin's Argument project/presentation. Students should discuss the context of the author's argument, working through SOAPSTone and Toulmin's as they go. Students should decide who will do what on the day of presenting. If time, each student should pick an excerpt from the text that supports any of the following: author's tone, author's beliefs about writing, or author's style of writing. Click HERE for instructions on project. Click HERE for rubric.
Homework: Continue working on Group poster elements. Keep working on terms--due Friday.
Students will work on their Mini Project one more day, finalizing all details on their poster, including SOAPSTone, Toulmin, an image, and 5 excerpts. Students should practice how they will present their details, keeping their whole presentation under 15 minutes.
Homework: Finish poster for Group presentation.
Students will present the Group poster on one of the MME essays, deconstructing SOAPSTone and Toulmin. .
Homework: None.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!! Students will continue to present their Group poster.
Homework: Continue working on Rhetorical and Literary Terms for the year--due next Friday (antecedent through assertion)--click HERE for terms. Complete your first applied practice. Provide justifications for each answer you choose and upload responses to Canvas. You will receive the passage and questions in class.
Week of 8-29-22 through 9-2-22
This week's rhetorical terms (antecedent through assertion)-- click HERE for terms
Students will finish any last presentations--Click HERE for criteria.
Homework: Finish applied practice and upload to Canvas. Work on Lit and Rhetorical terms--first 7 words due Friday (antecedent through assertion).
Students will work with the junior textbook today as we briefly discuss the Great Awakening and Jonathan Edwards. We will read "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God". Prior to reading The Crucible next week, we will work with an Annotated Bibliography in researching two time periods: the Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism. Students will find 3 articles for each time period in which they will research what happened during the time period and how the time period impacted society. Students should critically analyze and review the source material they use and the source's value.
Homework: Start researching articles--Annotated Bibliography due in 3 weeks--Due September 21. Finish Summer Assignment for Friday.
Students will continue to unpack "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God". We will specifically unpack Edwards' rhetorical strategies and how he influenced his audience in conveying his message. We will work with noting examples of parallelism, anaphora, and antithesis.
Homework: Finish Summer Assignment by Friday.
Students will take Edwards' use of extended metaphor and create their own. We will view a quick clip from John Green's Crash Course (start at 7:30) and his take on the period of the Puritans.
We will then discuss Nathaniel Hawthorne, flash-forward to the mid 1800's. We will look at Hawthorne's view and criticism of his ancestors, specifically their involvement in the witch trials and their hypocrisy in faith. We will read some background detail about Hawthorne as well as garner a better understanding of the Puritans from the period of the Salem Witch Trials.
Homework: Finish Summer Assignment and upload to Canvas.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!! Students will begin reading their last Puritan piece before reading The Crucible. We will read "Young Goodman Brown". Students will be annotating the story as we read (at least 5 analyses per page), focusing on allegorical elements in the story. Students should focus on how Hawthorne applied symbolism to the story to help us determine the main character's fate and flaw, as well as determine the purpose of Hawthorne's short story.
Homework: Continue working on Rhetorical and Literary Terms for the year--due next Friday (assumption through colloquialism)--click HERE for terms.
Week of 9-5-22 through 9-9-22
This week's rhetorical terms (assumption through colloqualism)-- click HERE for terms
Homework: Work on Lit and Rhetorical terms--first 7 words due Friday (assumption through colloquialism).
Students will continue annotating the "Young Goodman Brown" as we read (at least 5 analyses per page), focusing on allegorical elements in the story. Students should focus on how Hawthorne applied symbolism to the story to help us determine the main character's fate and flaw, as well as determine the purpose of Hawthorne's short story.
Homework: Finish researching articles--Annotated Bibliography due in 3 weeks--Due September 21. Try to complete all summaries by Friday.
Students will finish their work with "Young Goodman Brown". We will determine what argument Hawthorne was making in regards to his Puritan ancestors. Students will discuss and analyze Hawthorne's purpose in writing this story.
Homework: Finish all annotations for "Young Goodman Brown". Work on Annotated Bib summaries.
Students will switch focus onto the "Red Scare" that parallels the Puritan paranoia and give into paranoia of nationalism and patriotism. We will view some background on this period: "Red Scare" and view Edward Murrow's speech from Good Night, and Good Luck in relation to McCarthyism of the period..
Homework: Finish summaries for Annotated Bib articles and finish terms for this week.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!! Students will finish their notes on McCarthyism and begin deconstructing cartoons from this period of history. Students will analyze each cartoon, using key details from the cartoon to prove their analysis of the cartoonist's purpose.
Homework: Continue working on Rhetorical and Literary Terms for the year--due next Friday (comma splice through diction)--click HERE for terms.
Week of 9-12-22 through 9-16-22
This week's rhetorical terms (comma splice through diction)-- click HERE for terms
Students will start the period with working on the McCarthyism cartoons, analyzing the argument in each image, providing a claim, evidence, and warranting the value of the evidence. We will wrap up our preparation of the "witch hunt" with viewing and discussing key aspects of an ecclesiatical courtroom scene from Dangerous Beauty.
Homework: Work on Lit and Rhetorical terms--7 words due Friday (comma splice through diction). Finish McCarthyism cartoons.
Students will begin reading the opening narrative of The Crucible. (Click HERE for PDF of text) Students will deconstruct Arthur Miller's argument about the period of the Salem Witch Trials and why they occurred. We will discuss the subtext of his parallel between the "witch trials" of Salem and the "trials" of the McCarthy era. At tables, determine the SOAPSTone for the opening narrative. Provide purpose and two rhetorical strategies.
Homework: Finish researching articles--Annotated Bibliography due in 1 1/2 weeks--Due September 21. Try to complete all assessments by Friday.
Students will begin reading the first act of The Crucible. Students will begin their read through of ACT I. Prior to the reading, we will view the opening scene of the film version for the play and discuss the implications in the scene to give us some context of what is happening in the opening argument of the act. Students will discuss script, noting key elements of character and plot and how it moved or sparked the hysteria of the time period.
Homework: Work on Annotated Bib.
Students will stage a scene between John Proctor and Abigail Williams where they will work with subtext and stage movement. We will complete an applied practice where students will conduct a close reading of the Crucible text. .
Homework: Continue assessing and reflecting on articles for Annotated Bib. Finish staging and complete subtext for the John and Abby scene.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!! Students will discuss the staging of the John and Abby scene for Act I of The Crucible. We will discuss the importance of how this is staged for our first introduction of this character. We will conduct our read through of this scene and the continue in the act.
Homework: Continue working on Rhetorical and Literary Terms for the year--due next Friday (didactic through good reasons)--click HERE for terms. Work on the Annotated Bibliography.
Week of 9-26-22 through 9-30-22
This week's rhetorical terms (homily through invective)-- click HERE for terms
The Crucible text PDF: click HERE
Students will make final preparations to plan and deliver their Logical Fallacy commercials on Wednesday. Finish read-through of Act II. Discuss Open-Mind Diagram for Reverend Hale--due Friday on Canvas.
Homework: Work on Lit and Rhetorical terms--7 words due Friday (homily through invective). Work on Annotated Bib.
Students will view Act II of the film after we read through the appendix scene Miller included for the discretion of the director. Complete one applied practice practice.
Homework: Work on Open-Mind for Hale--due Friday.
Students will deliver Fallacy Commercials. Peers will take note of key ideas used in fallacy examples in preparation for analyzing Act III of The Crucible. Students will begin the reading of Act III and note the use of logical fallacies as they emerge in the act.
Homework: Work on Open-Mind for Hale. Complete an applied practice for homework. NO justifications required.
Students will continue read-through of Act III and note logical fallacies that emerge in the text. Students will analyze the use of fallacy by discussing who is weilding the words, about whom they are speaking, and what makes the argument illogical but, perhaps, persuasive. Students will need to use claim, evidence, and warrant..
Homework: Work on Lit and Rhetorical Terms. Finish Open-Mind for Reverend Hale--Due on Canvas tomorrow. Note the 3 fallacies from Act III you want to analyze from today's reading. Analyses for all of Act III due on Wednesday of next week.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!! Students will continue read-through of Act III, noting examples of logical fallacy. Students will complete analyses for another 3 examples from our reading from today..
Homework: Continue working on Rhetorical and Literary Terms for the year--due next Friday (litotes through oxymoron)--click HERE for terms. Work on fallacy analysis.
Week of 10-3-22 through 10-7-22
This week's rhetorical terms (litotes through oymoron)-- click HERE for terms
The Crucible text PDF: click HERE
Students will finish Act III and their notes on fallacy. Students will then begin deconstructing the "yellow bird" scene of Act III, if time persists.
Homework: Work on Lit and Rhetorical terms--7 words due Friday (litotes through oxymoron). Complete all 9 logical fallacy analyses by tomorrow and upload to Canvas.
Students will discuss the "yellow bird" scene and Miller's effective techniques used to develop hysteria and mob mentality within the scene. Students will focus on Miller's use of diction, tone,, stage directions, characterization, syntax, punctuation, and use of dialogue to highlight Miller's playwright techniques. We will discuss the Rhetorical Analysis rubric.
Homework: Work on notes for Thursday's in-class essay. Finalize quotes and organization of material.
Students will read through Act IV and note key changes in the community.
Homework: Finish notes for tomorrow's in-class essay. Finalize quotes and organization of material.
Students will write an in-class essay on The Crucible.
Homework: Students will complete an applied practice with justification and upload to Canvas by Tuesday.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!! Students will finish read-through of Act IV.
Homework: Continue working on Rhetorical and Literary Terms for the year--due next Friday (paradox through qualifier)--click HERE for terms. Work on justifications for applied practice and upload to Canvas by Tuesday.
Week of 9-19-22 through 9-23-22
This week's rhetorical terms (didactic through good reasons)-- click HERE for terms
The Crucible text PDF: click HERE
Students will finish Act I in class today. We will discuss the reading of the background on Rev John Hale. Students will discuss the implications of the first act of the play on the development of the "mass hysteria" during the Salem Witch Trials.
Homework: Work on Lit and Rhetorical terms--7 words due Friday (didactic through good reasons). Work on Annotated Bib.
Students will complete an in-class applied practice for Act I. We will view Act I of the film. Students will share their thoughts about the portrayal of these characters. Students will also discuss the aspects of the film version that resonated with the text and the directorial choices that worked or did not work.
Homework: Complete Annotated Bibliography--due tomorrow on Canvas.
Students will have a quiz on the applied practice for Act I of The Crucible. We will begin Act II of The Crucible. Students will focus on the use of diction, stage directions, and use of punctuation in the dialogue that Miller uses to characterize the relationship between John Proctor and his wife, Elizabeth. We will discuss these elements as the writer's tools to create drama and form argument.
Homework: Finish Annotated Bib by 11:59pm--upload to Canvas.
Students will be introduced to the Fallacy Commercial Project. Students will form partners, but will work on the project in class tomorrow after Yo' Momma. List of Fallacies (click HERE). We will continue our read-through of Act II. Students will mentally note elements of Miller's argument about the spreading of hysteria. Discuss the Open-Mind Diagram Reading Response for Reverend Hale..
Homework: Work on Lit and Rhetorical Terms. Work on Open-Mind for Reverend Hale--Due Wednesday.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!! Students will work with their Fallacy Commercial partner, forming a script that relays the meaning of the fallacy. Why should someone use this fallacy in their argument? We will continue read-through of Act II.
Homework: Continue working on Rhetorical and Literary Terms for the year--due next Friday (homily through invective)--click HERE for terms. Work on Fallacy Commercial--due on Tuesday. Work on Open-Mind Diagram.
Week of 10-10-22 through 10-14-22
This week's rhetorical terms (paradox through qualifier)-- click HERE for terms
The Crucible text PDF: click HERE
No School.
Homework: Work on Lit and Rhetorical terms--7 words due Friday (paradox through qualifier). Complete applied practice for Crucible Passage #10 upload to Canvas.
Students will read and norm scores for sample essays on the Rhetorical Analysis essay for the "Yellow Bird" scene. Through the reading and scoring, we will familiarize ourselves with the 6pt rubric for the AP exam. Students will then score two essays for fellow peers using the same rubric.
Homework: Begin revising essay--Due on Friday. Highlight all changes made from the original draft.
Homework: Revise Crucible essay and highlight changes--due Friday on Canvas.
Complete an applied practice quiz. Finish Act IV of The Crucible.
Homework: Students will complete revision of Crucible essay and upload to Canvas by 8:30am Tuesday.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!! View Act III & IV of The Crucible.
Homework: Continue working on Rhetorical and Literary Terms for the year--due next Friday (rebuttal through syllogism)--click HERE for terms.
Week of 10-17-22 through 10-21-22
This week's rhetorical terms (rebuttal through syllogism)-- click HERE for terms
The Crucible text PDF: click HERE
Finish the film of The Crucible. We will then move onto discussing Frederick Douglass. We will read "The Hypocrisy of American Slavery" by Frederick Douglass. We will view the reading of this through Douglass' great great great grandchildren. Students will discuss purpose and tone. When we view the document, students will determine strategies Douglass used to reach his white and black audience
Homework: Work on Lit and Rhetorical terms--7 words due Friday (rebuttal through syllogism). Finish revision of The Crucible essay, highlight changes from original draft, and upload to Canvas.
Students will pick up Douglass from the library (if they did not buy their own). We will begin reading Chapter 1 in class and deconstruct the rhetorical choices Douglass makes to convey his argument. We will determine tone and purpose too.
Homework: Read Chapter 2 of Douglass. Complete Unit 1 on AP Classroom by Friday morning.
Students will deconstruct the key aspects of Chapter 2 in Douglass. We will discuss his purpose, his use of strategy, but also his use of rhetorical devices in the chapter. We will discuss anaphora, parallelism, and antithesis. Complete an applied practice practice.
Homework: Read Chapter 3 of Douglass.
Students will complete an in-class applied practice practice. We will continue discussion from yesterday about Chp 3 and the fruit garden; we will discuss all of the biblical allusions evident. We will discuss the story of young and old Barney and what each reflects about slavery. We will discuss litotes, parallelism, chiasmus, antithesis, and anaphora. Students will note these examples on their paper.
Homework: Students will Chapter 4 of Douglass.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!! Students will deconstruct the purpose and strategies in Chapter 4 and discuss specifically the use of antithesis, chiasmus, and prallel structure.
Homework: Continue working on Rhetorical and Literary Terms for the year--due next Friday (symbol through warrant)--click HERE for terms. Complete an applied practice with justifications--due Tuesday on Canvas.
Week of 10-24-22 through 10-28-22
This week's rhetorical terms (all remaining terms--due Friday!!)-- click HERE for terms
The Crucible text PDF: click HERE
We will discuss Douglass' notion of corruption in the system of slavery. We will focus on his introduction of one character and how through this character's transformation into slavery corrupts absolutely. We will note the strategies he uses and evidence of this strategy in conveying corruption.
Homework: Students will complete Unit 2 on AP Classroom by Friday. Students will read Chp 6 in FD.
We will go over the applied practice from homework. Students will then discuss Chp 6. We will deconstruct Douglass' rhetorical choices in the chapter, focusing on two specific examples of corruption in the strategy.
Homework: Students will complete Unit 2 on AP Classroom by Friday. Students will read Chp 7 in FD.
Students will have an applied practice group quiz. Students will deconstruct the key aspects of Chapter 7 in Douglass. We will discuss his purpose, his use of strategy, but also his use of corruption: how does his application of this idea web across the novel?
Homework: Students will complete Unit 2 on AP Classroom by Friday. Students will read Chp 8 in FD.
Students will finish discussing Douglass' use of corruption. We will focus on Douglass' use of faith/Christianity in these chapters. We will discuss how Douglass may connect this to his continued focus on corruption caused by the system of slavery. We will also discuss the odd and interesting events that unfold for Douglass in his last chapter before freedom. We will determine purpose and strategy.
Homework: Students will complete Unit 2 on AP Classroom by tomorrow. Students will read Chp 9 in FD.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!! Students will gather notes on Douglass' use of corruption in the whole book and how he strategically tries to convey this to his audience. Students should gather at least 4 strategies and 8 quotes.
Homework: Students will finish FD. Individual applied practice quiz next week.
Week of 10-31-22 through 11-4-22
Students will briefly discuss the last two chapters and their significance to Douglassâ story. Students will have an applied practice practice. We will discuss chapter posters that the students will create from the chapters in Douglass, focusing on rhetorical devices, strategies, and purpose. They will begin this in class tomorrow and they will find out their group members tomorrow.
Homework: Finish gathering evidence and ideas for strategies and corruption for Thursdayâs essay.
Students will be placed in groups of 3-4 to put together the posters. Students will start scouring their chapter for ideas to place on their poster to reflect their understanding of purpose, strategies, and rhetorical devices. Posters are due on Friday. Click HERE for poster criteria.
Homework: None.
Students will complete an individual applied practice quiz. Students will have their final day to work in groups on their poster for their chapter from Douglass. We will also have a vocabulary jam with Douglassâ vocab.
Homework: Gather all final details for tomorrowâs in-class essay.
Students will complete an in-class rhetorical analysis essay on Douglassâ narrative.
Homework: Complete Unit 3 AP Classroom Progress Check by Tuesday next week.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!! Students will conduct a gallery walk around the room with the Douglass posters. Students will take notes on key strategies and devices present in each chapter of Douglass in preparation for Friday's rhetorical device test.
Homework: Work on AP Classroom.
Week of 11-7-22 through 11-11-22
Students will conduct a gallery walk around the room with the Douglass posters. Students will take notes on key strategies and devices present in each chapter of Douglass in preparation for Friday's rhetorical device test.
Homework: Students should finish Unit 3 on AP Classroom.
Students will norm scores for the Douglass corruption essay and provide two assessments for two peer papers. We will use the Rhetorical Analysis 6pt Rubric as a guide.
Homework: Read "I Hear America Singing", "I Sit & Look Out", and "Song of Myself".
We will discuss Whitman's essays in conjunction with background on the Transcendentalist ideals. Students will begin reading "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Take notes on his Transcendentalist ideals. Briefly discuss the Oversoul.
Homework: Finish studying rhetorical and literary terms for Douglass terms test for tomorrow.
Students will take their rhetorical terms test for Douglass in class.
Homework: Students will begin reading "Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau.
No School.
Homework: Finish "Civil Disobedience" and read "Walden" and answer questions for applied practice--no justifications.
Week of 11-14-22 through 11-18-22
Students will read and discuss "Civil Disobedience". Thoreau's piece will complete our Transcendentalist focus other than Walden tomorrow. Students will finish their applied practice for homework.
Homework: Students will just answer the questions for the applied practice. No justifications required.
Students will view some clips from Dead Poetâs Society and determine elements of the Transcendentalist philosophy. This will be our last step in the Transcendentalist approach. We will then discuss Question #1 formatting. We will look at a prompt and focus on the style and structure of writing a synthesis prompt essay.
Homework: Work on Douglass revision and highlight changes to the draft--due Thursday.
Students will discuss Feminist Criticism and the Victorian Period. We will specifically look at "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin. Students will highlight evidence of where she suggests the narrator is under her husband's power with one color and highlight when she is under her own power with another color. On the back of the handout, students will analyze 3 examples of irony. The responses must be thoughtfully developed--claim, evidence, warrant.
Homework: Students will read "Regret" by Kate Chopin. Students will discuss the difference in Chopin's two heroines from the last two short stories. Students will dissect three main components of "Regret" with thoughtful reasoning in development: which stereotypical gender details are applied to Aurelie's attire and why; why does Chopin describe Aurelie as "crying like a man"; and does Aurelie have "regret"? .
Students will begin by discussing the key details of the story of âRegretâ. Then students will begin reading "The Yellow Wallpaper", our last Victorian literature. Students will annotate each page of the text, noting elements of the narrator's power and her husband's power in the text. Students must be thoughtful and insightful with their annotations--it's not just labeling.
Homework: Students will finish work with annotating the rest of "The Yellow Wallpaper".
Students will finish reading and discussing "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman--students will also finish annotating, including providing Gilman's purpose and strategies. The narrator refers to being victorious--we will discuss whether this is so. We will view a clip of the suffragette movement in England and the suffragette movement in the U.S. We will lastly view a clip regarding an earlier speech by Sojourner Truth.
Homework: Students will read "Why I Want a Wife" by Judy Brady. Students will highlight the sections of the text that are accurate of the "wife" roles today and which are exaggerated. Students will also answer questions 1-3 for homework, but they will complete #4 (as an optional assignment) by Friday on Canvas (when we return from break). .
Week of 11-28-22 through 12-2-22
Students will finish reading and discussing "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman--students will also finish annotating, including providing Gilman's purpose and strategies. The narrator refers to being victorious--we will discuss whether this is so. We will then read "Why I Want a Wife" by Judy Brady. Students will highlight the sections of the text that are accurate of the "wife" roles today and which are exaggerated.
Homework: Students will also answer questions 1-3 for homework, but they will complete #4 (as an optional assignment) by Friday on Canvas.
Students will discuss the concepts in the text by Judy Brady. We will also view a clip from "Good Girls Revolt" on Amazon. We will discuss the progress made in the movements from the establishment of the constitution through today. We will next take a look at gender stereotyping in media vs demystifying those stereotypes with a few clips: "The Birdcage", "Vice", and "Kids Meet a Gender Non-Conforming Person".
Homework: Students will read "What Does Boys Will Be Boys Really Mean?" Annotate the article as you read, focusing on rhetorical analysis--not just terms. How does the author convey the purpose?
Students will discuss last night's article by Deborah Roffman. We will then move on to "How Boys Become Men" (ignore the questions at the end of the article). Students will read and annotate for rhetorical analysis--focus specifically on perceived or expected behavior from the male gender.
Homework: Students will read "Advertising Sets the Double Standard" by William Sea--located in EEA book on page 667 and answer questions #2 & #4 in extensive analysis and upload to Canvas.
Discuss Sea's article about the portrayal of men in the media. Compare to Katz's article on "How Boys Become Men"--how do the expectations differ and why? Read and annotate "Understanding Boy Aggression" and "Putting Down the Gun".
Homework: Finish all boy articles--annotate and note purpose.
Students will work on a Commonlit.org assignment on Canvas. Students will read the passage, answer questions, and discuss the content before typing up a brief comment on the discussion section of Canvas.
Homework: Students will complete #4 (as an optional assignment) by Friday, December 9 on Canvas.
Week of 12-5-22 through 12-9-22
Students will discuss "Should Little Boys Play With Kitchens?" and what this question suggests about where we are currently at in reconciling masculinity and femininity in household roles. We will determine purpose, strategies, and evidence. Students will then form groups to begin planning for their Gender Multimedia Project. Use Development Sheet for planning.
Homework: Students will work on Unit 4 of AP Classroom.
Students will work in their groups on the Multimedia project for the period.
Homework: Students will work on Unit 4 of AP Classroom by tomorrow. Students will complete an applied practice with justifications for Friday.
Students will work on their Multimedia project. We will briefly discuss tackling a Question #1 essay and look at a sample of a synthesis essay.
Homework: Students must make sure they have all of their notes for their Transcendentalist essay prompt. Work on applied practiceâdue Friday.
Students will write their in-class essay on Transcendentalism--Question #1 synthesis.
Homework: Finish applied practice and justification--upload to Canvas. Unit 4 on AP Classroom due on Sunday.
Yo' Momma Friday. Go over answers to applied practice. Students will have their last day to work on lesson plans for Multimedia Gender Project.
Homework: Finish project and Unit 4 on AP Classroom by Sunday.
Week of 12-19-22 through 12-23-22
Look at example of Argument Essay and Synthesis Essay.
Homework: Prepare articles about boys/men for synthesis: "What Does 'Boys Will be Boys' Really Mean?", "How Boys Become Men", "Advertising Sets the Double Standard", "Understanding Boy Aggression", "Putting Down the Gun", and "Should Little Boys Play With Kitchens?".
2nd and 4th Period Finals.
Homework: .
3rd and 5th Period Finals.
Homework: .
1st and 6th Period Finals.
Homework: .
No School.
Homework: .