English I-P Current Week

Week of 2-5-24 through 2-9-24

Speak text (click here for PDF)


SSR. Students will discuss the I-Search paper/project--due in May. They will narrow down their focus to one activity they have never done and begin researching this activity on Gale. Students will work with one source today. Students will also make contact with someone who specializes in this activity.

Homework: Students will finish revising their Speak essay--highlight all changes and upload to Canvas by Wednesday.


SSR. Students will return to poetry, specifically looking at extended metaphors with "Mother to Son" and "O Captain! My Captain!" Students will show the analysis of what the comparison suggests about the concepts in the poem by filling out a T-Graph as they go.   

Homework: Students will finish revising their Speak essay--highlight all changes and upload to Canvas by tomorrow. Students will begin working on Cornell Notes for the I-Search--two sources need to be completed by next week on Friday, including the one worked on in class yesterday.


SSR. Students will move into their next poem by Gloria Oden. We will read "The Way It Is", annotating key ideas and style she uses in her poem, particularly her ideas about beauty. They will answer two questions in S.E.A. method: 1. What does the speaker come to understand about herself and her mother? 2. How do "commercial virtues" referenced in the poem differ from today's standards? If they do not differ, prove and explain. 

HomeworkStudents will continue working on I-Search Cornell Notes.


SSR. Students will next work on "Abuelito Who", deconstructing the concepts that Sandra Cisneros lays out in her poem. Students will explicate each line of the poem. Next, they will determine a person in their life about whom they could write a mimic poem to Cisneros' style--students will follow the format of "Abuelito Who" and write about their person.

HomeworkStudents will continue working on I-Search Cornell Notes. Bring in a magazine tomorrow for Headline Poetry. 


Students will work with Headline Poetry. The idea is to play with language and concepts, and not worry about grammar and punctuation. They will cut up the pages of their magazine, finding powerful words and phrases to place together to create their own poem. Students should randomly choose these words and phrases without having anything specifically in mind. Pictures should be cut out too. Eventually, they will piece this together, like a puzzle.  

Homework: Students will begin working on Cornell Notes for the I-Search--two sources need to be completed by next week on Friday. Headline Poem due on Wednesday--bring physical copy to class.