English I-P Past Weeks
Week of 1-3-22 through 1-7-22
Speak text (click here for PDF)
Students will take notes on archetypes. We will briefly discuss the concept of archetypes and practice deciphering them. We will also discuss Cornell Notes and note taking for Speak. Students will pick up the book tomorrow and begin reading and taking notes on archetypal and contextual symbolism. We will read one article about archetypal symbolism, and students will find their own article by Friday.
Homework: Students will begin looking for their archetype article.
Students will return TKAM and pick up Speak. We will read the first three pages and take Cornell Notes on archetypal and contextual symbolism.
Homework: Students will read pages 3-12 in Speak and come in with three added Cornell notes--quote and analysis.
Students will analyze quotes from Speak, from last night's reading and some from their homework. The students will work with the quotes from this PowerPoint (click here).
Students will discuss teen stress and depression through a New York Times article (click here for article) and relate this to the main character in Speak. Additionally, we will discuss how some of the students have witnessed the details in the article themselves.
Homework: Students will read pages 13-26 and note three more Cornell Notes--quote and analysis.
Students will deconstruct a few quotes from Speak that are key to the main character's, Melinda, struggle. We will read a little more from NYT piece. Students will pick a key quote from the NYT's article that they think has value to our topic.
Homework: Students will bring in their archetype article to class--either a physical copy or digital. Students should read pages 25-37 and note three more Cornell Notes--quote and analysis.
Students will read through and share key details from their article with a partner at their table. Students will then spend 10 minutes typing up a summary of the detail in the article, which they will upload to turnitin.com.
Homework: Students will read pages 37-88. Students will note six key quotes in their Cornell Notes which they will analyze for their significance.
Week of 1-10-22 through 1-14-22
Speak text (click here for PDF)
If we are given library time, we will head to the library to pick up an Independent Reading book. We will do the following if time remains: (We will go over any issues with the archetypal article summaries. Students will discuss key quotes from their reading and their thoughts on what is happening to Melinda. Students will share which symbols stand out from their reading.)
Homework: Students will read pages 89-111 in Speak. Only focus on archetypal and contextual symbols for the Cornell Notes.
SSR. We will go over key quotes from last night's reading. Students will finish looking at an article from last week related to teen anxiety. We will then read and discuss an article (click here) that addresses teen depression. We will connect these details to our character Melinda from Speak.
Homework: Students will read pages 112-137 in Speak. Note key quotes for analysis.
SSR. Students will discuss the events of the end of Summer Party. We will focus on fact vs. speculation and analysis. We want to eliminate subjectivity and act as reporters for this event. Students will complete a Headline Reading Response for what happened on this evening.
Homework: Students will work on the Headline Reading Response--due on Friday--print a copy for class and upload the digitial to turnitin.com.
SSR. Students will work a little on the Headline Reading Response. We will start reading the fourth quarter section of Speak.
Homework: Students should read pages 141-168 and note three more Cornell Notes--quote and analysis.
Students will complete their quote analysis and will begin to form ideas about what the author, Laurie Halse Anderson, is trying to convey to her audience through the novel, Speak.
Homework: Students will finish reading remaining pages in Speak. Students will finish with six key quotes in their Cornell Notes which they will analyze for their significance.
Week of 1-23-22 through 1-27-22
Speak text (click here for PDF)
SSR. Students will work on the next leg of their Speak essay. Students will continue to flesh out their essay, from the introduction through all four body paragraphs. We will look at sample essays for conclusion.
Homework: Students will the next two body paragraphs.
SSR. Students will continue work on the Speak essay, fleshing out two more body paragraphs. We will also discuss adding two nonfiction sources to supplement our understanding of the main characters anxiety and depression.
Homework: Students will complete two more body paragraphs.
SSR. Students will edit each other's essay by discussing their approach, concept.
Homework: Students will finish the Speak essay by Friday, uploading it to turnitin.com by 9:05am.
SSR. Students will complete a noredink assignment. If time, we will conduct a vocabulary jam.
Homework: Students should finish working on the Speak essay and uploading it to Canvas by 9:30am tomorrow.
Students will begin revising each other's essays on turnitin.com, conducting a peer edit.
Homework: Begin revising your Speak essay--Due on Wedenesday on Canvas.
Week of 1-31-22 through 2-4-22
Bring a magazine by Friday--You must be willing to cut up your magazine!!
SSR. Students will begin discussing the I-Search topic. Students will list 5 activites they have never tried but have always wanted to experience. Then students will write 5 questions about each activity--what they wonder about it, what excites them, what scares them, and what they do not understand about the activity. We will begin discussing poetry in preparation for reading The Long Way Down and Romeo and Juliet. We will read through and analyze "The Secret in the Cat".
Homework: Students will continue revising their Speak essay--highlight all changes--due on Canvas by Wednesday.
SSR. Students will discuss the I-Search paper/project--due in May. They will narrow down their focus to one activity they have never done and begin researching this activity at home. Students will make contact with someone who specializes in this activity and see if it is possible to actually do this activity this year while COVID is a problem. We will finish our work with "The Secret in the Cat", analyzing the author's use of metaphors, similes, and onomatopoeias.
Homework: Students will finish revising their Speak essay--highlight all changes and upload to Canvas.
SSR. Students will go over how to do Cornell Notes for the research project. We will do one Cornell Note page together for one source, but they will use their topic.
Homework: Students will begin working on Cornell Notes for the I-Search--two sources need to be completed by next week, including the one worked on in class.
SSR. Students will return to poetry, specifically looking at extended metaphors with "Mother to Son" and "O Captain! My Captain!" Students will show the analysis of what the comparison suggests about the concepts in the poem by filling out a T-Graph as they go.
Homework: Students should continue working on Cornell Notes. Bring in a magazine tomorrow for Headline Poetry.
Students will work with Headline Poetry. First, they will work together on putting together the headline poem as a group. The idea is to play with language and concepts, and not worry about grammar and punctuation. Next, they will cut up the pages of their magazine, finding powerful words and phrases to place together to create their own poem. Students should randomly choose these words and phrases without having anything specifically in mind. Pictures should be cut out too. Eventually, they will piece this together, like a puzzle.
Homework: Headline Poem due on Wednesday--bring physical copy to class.
Week of 2-7-22 through 2-11-22
SSR. Students will move into their next poem by Gloria Oden. We will read "The Way It Is", annotating key ideas and style she uses in her poem, particularly her ideas about beauty. They will answer two questions in S.E.A. method: 1. What does the speaker come to understand about herself and her mother? 2. How do "commercial virtues" referenced in the poem differ from today's standards? If they do not differ, prove and explain.
Homework: Students will continue working on I-Search Cornell Notes and Headline Poem.
SSR. Students will next work on "Abuelito Who", deconstructing the concepts that Sandra Cisneros lays out in her poem. Students will explicate each line of the poem. Next, they will determine a person in their life about whom they could write a mimic poem to Cisneros' style--students will follow the format of "Abuelito Who" and write about their person.
Homework: Students will finish their Headline Poem and bring to class.
SSR. Students will begin to look at Jason Reynolds' Long Way Down. We will read the graphic novel in class and listen to the audio read by the author. We will deconstruct not only the poetic lines written by Reynolds, but we will also deconstruct the use of images in the graphic novel, discussing how they enhance the ideas about which Reynolds writes. We will focus on Reynolds use of diction and the impact the words have to convey his tone and the speaker's voice.
Homework: Students will continue working on Cornell Notes for the I-Search--two sources need to be completed by Friday, including the one worked on in class last week.
SSR. Students will continue reading Long Way Down. We will start to look at his use of the elevator as a symbol and the symbolism of the people he encounters on the elevator.
Homework: Students should finish their first two sources of Cornell Notes.
Students will finish Long Way Down and discuss the open ending and why Reynolds made the choices he did.
Homework: Work on Cornell Notes for the I-Search.
Week of 2-14-22 through 2-18-22
Homework: Students will finish "Abuelito Who" poem and upload to Canvas.
SSR. Students will return to Long Way Down. We will analyze Reynolds' approach to the text and the content of the novel. Students will continue to listen to the audio while analyzing Reynolds' words and analyzing the images that accompany them in the graphic novel.
Homework: Students should be working on their I-Search and Cornell Notes.
SSR. Students will continue Long Way Down. Students will continue with the audio and graphic novel, analyzing key strategies that Reynolds uses to convey the purpose of his novel. We will also look further at his interview in which he breaks down these components.
Homework: Continue working on I-Search and Cornell Notes--complete their third source by Tuesday.
SSR. Students will finish Long Way Down. We will put together key quotes and ideas for our one page analysis of Reynolds' style and structure used to convey his purpose of the novel.
Homework: Continue working on I-Search and Cornell Notes--complete third source by Tuesday.
Students will write their one page analysis of Reynolds' style and structure used to convey the purpose of the novel.
Homework: Continue working on I-Search and Cornell Notes--complete third source by Tuesday.
Week of 2-21-22 through 2-25-22
Homework: Students will finish one more source for their I-Search paper--this is source #3.
SSR. Students will transition to discussing sonnets. Students will start with notes on sonnets, then begin to analyze them.
Homework: Students should be finishing their Independent Reading book by next week.
SSR. Students will continue work on Shakespearean Sonnets. We will complete one together. Then they will complete one independently. We will discuss how these actually differ from the actual play.
Homework: Students will analyze the opening Sonnet in Romeo and Juliet.
SSR. Students will be introduced to the Elizabethan Research project and presentation. Students will be assigned a topic and will begin to research.
Homework: Continue working Research for the Elizabethan topic.
Students will spend one more day in the classroom on research before they head to the library next week. Students will review ideas from websites, take notes on key details, and create a list of sources they will use.
Homework: Continue working on Independent Reading book.
Week of 2-28-22 through 3-4-22
SSR. Begin researching on Elizabethan Age topic. Students will begin with using the GALE Resource provided by the library website. Then students may move into websites available from my list and in their own searches. Students must note where they gather each source.
Homework: Students will finish their Independent Reading book by Wednesday.
Students will be in the library to gather print sources from books and encyclopedias.
Homework: Students should be finishing their Independent Reading book by tomorrow and begin working on their paper or project.
Students will continue work in library, making sure to gather enough sources from the library to complete their requirements for the Elizabethan Research project.
Homework: Students will continue working on Independent Reading assignment.
Students will work on note cards and bibliography in order to prepare for Monday's presentations. Students should complete note cards, then work on slides. Most of the slides can be completed at home.
Homework: Continue working on slides and note cards for the Elizabethan project.
Students will meet with their counselors.
Homework: Finish all note cards, slides, and bibliography for the Elizabethan Research project.
Week of 3-7-22 through 3-11-22
Students will view and answer questions from the Shakespeare in the Classroom video. We will discuss Independent Reading presentations and papers.
Homework: Students will practice preparing their Elizabethan Research topic.
Students will delivery Elizabethan Research presentations. Peers will take notes on the details delivered.
Homework: Students should be finishing their Independent Reading assignment: papers are uploaded to Canvas; presentations should be shared with myvillarancho@gmail.com.
Students will continue presentations for the Elizabethan Research project.
Homework: Students should finish work on the Independent Reading assignment, if they have not already.
Students will finish delivery of Elizabethan Research topics. We will start presenting Independent Reading presentations.
Homework: None.
Students will finish delivery of Independent Reading presentation. We will begin discussing how we will tackle The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
Homework: If you are assigned a part in R & J, practice delivering your lines.
Week of 3-14-22 through 3-18-22
Students will go to the library and pick up Romeo and Juliet as well as their new independent reading book. They will return to class and finish Elizabethan Research presentations.
Homework: None.
SSR. Students will conduct a read-through of Act I scene i in R & J. Students will also take notes on Foreshadow quotes in preparation for their final essay on the play.
Homework: Students should return to their I-Search topic and take notes on more sources.
Students will continue continue read-through of Act I, moving through scene iii.
Homework: Students should continue research on the I-Search topics--they should have a total of 6 sources, including an interview by the end of break. Students who can do their activity need to complete it by the break.
Students will continue read-through of Act I scene iv and v. We will return to our Foreshadow Notes, analyzing the implications of fate and the family rivalries.
Homework: Work on I-Search notes--have 6 sources of information.
Students will view Act I of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
Homework: If you are assigned a part in R & J, practice delivering your lines.
Week of 1-17-22 through 1-21-22
Speak text (click here for PDF)
NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Homework: Students will get caught up on Speak Cornell Notes. Students will upload their Headline Reading Response to Canvas by Friday.
SSR. Students will discuss the ending of Speak. We will deconstruct a few key quotes. Students will determine which archetypes and contextual symbolism was most important in showing Melinda's experience her freshman year. Students will determine what these symbols reflect about Melinda's experience.
Homework: Students will finish all Cornell notes--quote and analysis. Students will highlight 8 key quotes from the Cornell Notes to support their ideas about key archetypes and contextual symbols.
SSR. Students will begin working on the Speak essay prompt. Students will make a final decision on which key ideas in the text they want to discuss to show Melinda's decline and eventual recovery in the novel.
Homework: Students will develop their introduction for the Speak essay. Students should be finalizing details of their Headline Reading Response--due Friday.
SSR. Students will continue work with the Speak essay. They will organize their thoughts by using a Model Outline for the essay. Students should complete the outline ASAP.
Homework: Students should finish developing the outline by Monday. Finish Headline Reading Response and upload to Canvas.
Students will review their model outline and share with another student in class. They will provide feedback, suggestions, and evaluation of the direction of each other's essay. We will begin fleshing out the first body paragraph.
Homework: Students will develop their first and second body paragraph of the essay. Students should have a completed outline by Monday.
Week of 4-4-22 through 4-8-22
Monday (1-3 Periods Only):
SSR. Go over Act II Vocab list. Read through the rest of Act II and Act III scene i. View the film through Act III scene i. Take notes on Foreshadow and Rush Theme.
Homework: None.
Tuesday (4-6 Periods Only):
We don't meet.
Homework: Students should study for Act II Vocab.
SSR. Act II Vocab Quiz. Students will continue continue read-through of Act III. We will take notes on Foreshadow and Rush Theme. We will discuss subtext and students will complete a subtext activity for Act IV scene i--they will have a handout for this. Students will view the rest of Act III of the film.
Homework: Students should finish Act III & Act IV definitions and parts of speech.
We don't meet.
Homework: Finish definitions and parts of speech.
Students will go over vocab for Act III and Act IV. Students will read through Act IV.
Homework: If you are assigned a part in R & J, practice delivering your lines.
Week of 3-28-22 through 3-18-22
Students will go to the library and pick up Romeo and Juliet as well as their new independent reading book. They will return to class and finish Elizabethan Research presentations.
Homework: None.
SSR. Students will conduct a read-through of Act I scene i in R & J. Students will also take notes on Foreshadow quotes in preparation for their final essay on the play.
Homework: Students should return to their I-Search topic and take notes on more sources.
Students will continue continue read-through of Act I, moving through scene iii.
Homework: Students should continue research on the I-Search topics--they should have a total of 6 sources, including an interview by the end of break. Students who can do their activity need to complete it by the break.
Students will continue read-through of Act I scene iv and v. We will return to our Foreshadow Notes, analyzing the implications of fate and the family rivalries.
Homework: Work on I-Search notes--have 6 sources of information.
Students will view Act I of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
Homework: If you are assigned a part in R & J, practice delivering your lines.
Week of 4-11-22 through 4-15-22
SSR. Finish read through of Act IV. Students will then begin work on their I-Search outline. We will complete section II A and section I.
Homework: Finish outline for section worked on in class. Study for Act III vocab quiz. Be sure to have Act IV vocab definitions.
Tuesday (1-3 Periods Only):
SSR. Take Act III vocab quiz. Go over Act IV vocab. Work on I-Search, section II, B, C, and D.
Homework: Students should study for Act IV Vocab. Finish work on I-Search sections from class.
Wednesday (4-6 Periods Only):
We don't meet.
Homework: Students should finish Act III & Act IV definitions and parts of speech.
SSR. Take Act IV vocab quiz. .
Homework: Finish definitions and parts of speech.
Students will go over vocab for Act III and Act IV. Students will read through Act IV.
Homework: If you are assigned a part in R & J, practice delivering your lines.
Week of 4-18-22 through 4-22-22
SSR. Finish read through of Act V. Students will finish all foreshadow and rush theme notes. We will view the film-.
Homework: Finish outline for I-Search by Wednesday. Finish Act V vocab list.
SSR. Go over Act V vocab definitions. Begin discussion of who is to blame for R & J's death. Students will decide on which party or parties are most responsible and devise three reasons for perspective.
Homework: Students should study for Act V Vocab. Finish work on I-Search outline and upload to Canvas.
SSR. Continue working R & J Blame essay. Students will determine evidence that best fits with each of their reasons.
Homework: Students should finish introduction and first body paragraph of essay.
SSR. Students will give each other feedback on essay so far. We will continue working on the next two paragraphs and discuss the counter-argument paragraph, which is body paragraph #4.
Homework: Type the next two paragraphs.
Students will finish the R & J essay in class and upload to Canvas for a rough draft.
Homework: Read Independent Reading Book.
Week of 4-25-22 through 4-29-22
SSR. Peer edit R & J essay on turnitin.com on Canvas.
Homework: Revise R & J essay by Friday and upload to Canvas.
SSR. Begin work on I-Search paper. Develop the first three paragraphs during class. Whatever is not completed becomes homework.
Homework: Students will finish typing the first three paragraphs: Search Question, Search Process, and the 1st What I Learned paragraph.
SSR. Continue working on the I-Search paper. Finish typing the What I Learned paragraphs. Whatever is not finished becomes homework.
Homework: Students should finish typing paragraphs for the I-Search essay.
SSR. Students will begin viewing R & J from the 90s. We will analyze the movie for symbolic elements from the play that emerge on film.
Homework: Finish revision of R & J essay and highlight all changes made from the original to the final--upload to Canvas.
Students will continue viewing the R & J film and taking notes.
Homework: Continue typing up the I-Search essay--due on Canvas on Tuesday, May 3rd.
Week of 5-2-22 through 5-6-22
Finish viewing R & J.
Homework: Work on I-Search paper.
SSR. Work on I-Search paper--finishing developing all paragraphs.
Homework: Finalize I-Search paper.
SSR. Complete a peer review of the I-Search paper.
Homework: Students should begin revising the I-Search paper. Highlight changes made from rough draft to final draft.
SSR. Discuss development of the I-Search presentation. Students will begin developing slides, adding a balance of images and text.
Homework: Continue working on I-Search paper and presentation--paper due on Tuesday, May 10th; presentation due on May 19th.
Students will work on Independent Reading assignment or I-Search.
Homework: Continue typing the revision of the I-Search essay--due on Canvas on Tuesday, May 10th.
Week of 5-9-22 through 5-13-22
Work on either the I-Search or the Independent Reading Assignment.
Homework: Finish I-Search paper--highlight all changes.
Work on Independent Reading assignment.
Homework: Finalize Independent Reading assignment--share presentation slides with myvillarancho@gmail.com or upload essay to Canvas.
Deliver Independent Reading Assignments.
Homework: Students should be working on the I-Search Presentation.
Deliver Independent Reading Assignments.
Homework: Continue working on I-Search presentation--presentation due on May 19th.
Finish last of Independent Reading Assignments and complete freshman letter to senior self.
Homework: Continue working on the I-Search Presentation.
Week of 5-16-22 through 5-20-22
Go over Hero's Journey--discussing Moana and Mulan. Then begin watching The Odyssey.
Homework: Work on I-Search presentation.
Continue watching The Odyssey.
Homework: Work on I-Search presentation.
Finish watching The Odyssey.
Homework: Students should finish working on the I-Search Presentation. Presentations start tomorrow!!
Deliver I-Search presentations.
Homework: none.
Delivery I-Search presentations.
Homework: none.
Week of 5-23-22 through 5-25-22 (Finals Week)
Monday: 3 & 5
3 & 5 meet--no freshmen classes.
Homework: None.
Tuesday: 1 & 6
Finish I-Search Presentations.
Homework: None.
Wednesday: 2 & 4
Finish I-Search Presentations.
Homework: None
No School.
Homework: Have a nice summer!!
No School.
Homework: none.
Week of 1-9-23 through 1-13-23
Speak text (click here for PDF)
Students will take notes on archetypes. We will briefly discuss the concept of archetypes and practice deciphering them. We will also discuss Cornell Notes and note taking for Speak. Students will pick up the book tomorrow and begin reading and taking notes on archetypal and contextual symbolism.
Homework: None.
Students will return TKAM and pick up Speak. We will read the first three pages and take Cornell Notes on archetypal and contextual symbolism.
Homework: Students will read pages 3-26 in Speak and come in with three added Cornell notes--quote and analysis.
Students will analyze quotes from Speak, from last night's reading and some from their homework. The students will work with the quotes from this PowerPoint (click here).
Students will discuss teen stress and depression through a New York Times article (click here for article) and relate this to the main character in Speak. Additionally, we will discuss how some of the students have witnessed the details in the article themselves.
Homework: Students will read pages 26-46 and note three more Cornell Notes--quote and analysis.
Students will deconstruct a few quotes from Speak that are key to the main character's, Melinda, struggle. We will read a little more from NYT piece. Students will pick a key quote from the NYT's article that they think has value to our topic.
Homework: Students should read pages 49-65 and note three more Cornell Notes--quote and analysis.
Students will share concepts picked up in last night's reading to develop Cornell Notes on archetypes.
Homework: Students will read pages 65-119. Students will note six key quotes in their Cornell Notes which they will analyze for their significance.