English I-P Past Weeks
Week of 8-17-20 through 8-21-20
The House on Mango Street pdf: click here
The House on Mango Street PowerPoint: click here
Teachers report. Students check-in with 2nd Period teacher at 12:15--my students will connect on Zoom. Teachers have office hours from 12:35-2:35. Check your Canvas to see what teachers have to offer.
Homework: Keep an eye on your "To Do" List.
Tuesday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Meet)
We will begin with a warm-up activity on Pear Deck. Students will revise their analysis of "The Lottery". We will review a few student sample analyses in preparation for students revising their own work. Students will enroll in turnitin.com: Class ID: 25631260 Enrollment Key: u2rocks. When students finish revising analysis, they will upload to turnitin.com. Students will then read "My Purple House" by Sandra Cisneros to gain a sense of her persona before reading her novel, The House on Mango Street. Students will then answer the following questions verbally: 1) What does Cisneros' research reveal about the view citizens of San Antonio have about Los Tejanos? 2) Is Cisneros' justification for her house's color fair? 3) What does this article reveal about Cisneros' character?
Homework: Revision for "The Lottery" analysis due on Friday at 5:00 p.m. Students will highlight all changes on the final draft--use one color for added content and one color for grammar, punctuation, and grammar. Student will upload their analysis to turnitin.com. Sample Lottery paragraph: click HERE.
Wednesday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Meet)
4th Period will follow the same agenda from Tuesday.
Homework: .
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will complete a warm-up activity. We will move onto the reading of The House on Mango Street. We will discuss the structure of the novel as well as the type of analysis they will accomplish with this story. Students will work with the S.E.A. method (Statement, Evidence, & Analysis). They will work with a set of questions to be answered for each chapter of the novel. We will read the first three chapters and answer questions for each reading.
Homework: Finish revising "The Lottery" analysis, including highlighting. Upload to turnitin.com and type "Done" in Canvas and submit.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
4th Period will follow the same agenda from Thursday.
Homework: Finish vocabulary.com and find your Outside Reading book.
Week of 8-3-20 through 8-7-20
No School. Teachers report.
Homework: .
No School. Teachers prep.
Homework: .
Wednesday: (All Classes meet on Canvas)
Students will meet on Zoom where we will discuss platforms to be used and how to navigate my Canvas pages. Students will access a Google Form on which they will check in for attendance--the following days for attendance will take place as students are given access to the Zoom session for the day.
Homework: Complete the "Tell Me About Yourself" video and upload to Canvas--due on the next day we meet--1st & 2nd tomorrow, 4th on Friday.
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will do a warm-up activity while attendance is taken on Zoom. Students will go over their homework assignment (Freshman Letter to Self)--due Monday. Work with Plot Structure and Reading Responses. Students will begin reading "The Most Dangerous Game", which will be read by Monday. Students will create a Google Slide with a Plot Diagram that outlines the story--Directions for Dramatic Structure Reading Response.
Homework: .
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
4th Period will follow the same agenda from Thursday.
Homework: .
Week of 8-24-20 through 8-28-20
The House on Mango Street pdf: click here
The House on Mango Street PowerPoint: click here
Teachers report. Students check-in with 2nd Period teacher at 12:15--my students will connect on Zoom. Teachers have office hours from 12:35-2:35. Check your Canvas to see what teachers have to offer.
Homework: Keep an eye on your "To Do" List.
Tuesday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Meet)
We will continue our reading of The House on Mango Street. Student will work with the following vignettes and answering questions: "My Name", "Cathy Queen of Cats", and "Our Good Day". After discussing key concepts in each vignette, students will develop their own poetic vignette, using a Name Frame Poem outline.
Homework: Students will finish responding to any questions not completed in class. Students will develop their Name Frame Poem--due Friday at 5:00pm.
Wednesday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Meet)
4th Period will follow the same agenda from Tuesday.
Homework: Work on Name Frame Poem--Due Friday.
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will return to HOMS. We will tackle "Laughter" and "Gil's Furniture Bought & Sold". Students will receive one minute to find a treasured momento that symbolizes an important moment in their life. Students will be called on to share their item and its significance. This is all in preparation for developing an Autobiographical Essay. Students will quickwrite for 10 minutes, pulling out all details they can recall from the memory, focusing on sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. We will also incorporate one simile, one metaphor, one onomatopoeia, and one personification.
Homework: Students will set aside their work with their memory to focus on finishing the Name Frame Poem, which must be uploaded to Canvas to receive a submission and score for completion.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
4th Period will follow the same agenda from Thursday.
Homework: Upload Name Frame Poem by 5:00pm on Canvas.
Week of 8-10-20 through 8-14-20
Teachers report. Students check-in with 2nd Period teacher at 12:15--my students will connect on Zoom. Teachers have office hours from 12:35-2:35. Check your Canvas to see what teachers have to offer.
Homework: Keep an eye on your "To Do" List.
Tuesday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Meet)
Students will complete a Kahoot for "The Most Dangerous Game". We will discuss the elements of the story in conjunction with the Dramatic Structure slide, which needs to be completed by Thursday. We will then move on to our next story. We will read "The Sniper" by Liam O'Flaherty. Students will continue with suspense and focus on pulling quotes from the story and correctly citing. We will create a Suspense Chart pertaining to the story.
Homework: Finish the Dramatic Structure Reading Response by Thursday at 8:05am. Start working on the "Sniper" Suspense Chart--due Friday at 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Meet)
4th Period will follow the same agenda from Tuesday. An Example of the Suspense Chart: Click HERE. While the example of the Suspense Chart is from "The Most Dangerous Game", you will be doing the Suspense Chart for "The Sniper".
Homework: .
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
We will discuss finding an Outside Reading book for the first quarter. Try to have your book by Monday. Students come to class to discuss any concerns with "The Sniper" Suspense Chart. I will introduce the students to vocabulary.com, where they will work with vocabulary from "The Most Dangerous Game". Students will then move onto their last story, "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson--click HERE for the link to the audio of the story. Students will focus on the following concepts: tradition, conformity, and patriarchy.
Homework: Students will work on their vocabulary.com--due by Monday. Students will work on their Suspense Chart--due tomorrow by 5:00 p.m.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
4th Period will follow the same agenda from Thursday.
Homework: Finish vocabulary.com and find your Outside Reading book.
Week of 8-10-20 through 8-14-20
Teachers report. Students check-in with 2nd Period teacher at 12:15--my students will connect on Zoom. Teachers have office hours from 12:35-2:35. Check your Canvas to see what teachers have to offer.
Homework: Keep an eye on your "To Do" List.
Tuesday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Meet)
Students will complete a Kahoot for "The Most Dangerous Game". We will discuss the elements of the story in conjunction with the Dramatic Structure slide, which needs to be completed by Thursday. We will then move on to our next story. We will read "The Sniper" by Liam O'Flaherty. Students will continue with suspense and focus on pulling quotes from the story and correctly citing. We will create a Suspense Chart pertaining to the story.
Homework: Finish the Dramatic Structure Reading Response by Thursday at 8:05am. Start working on the "Sniper" Suspense Chart--due Friday at 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Meet)
4th Period will follow the same agenda from Tuesday. An Example of the Suspense Chart: Click HERE. While the example of the Suspense Chart is from "The Most Dangerous Game", you will be doing the Suspense Chart for "The Sniper".
Homework: .
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
We will discuss finding an Outside Reading book for the first quarter. Try to have your book by Monday. Students come to class to discuss any concerns with "The Sniper" Suspense Chart. I will introduce the students to vocabulary.com, where they will work with vocabulary from "The Most Dangerous Game". Students will then move onto their last story, "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson--click HERE for the link to the audio of the story. Students will focus on the following concepts: tradition, conformity, and patriarchy.
Homework: Students will work on their vocabulary.com--due by Monday. Students will work on their Suspense Chart--due tomorrow by 5:00 p.m.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
4th Period will follow the same agenda from Thursday.
Homework: Finish vocabulary.com and find your Outside Reading book.
Week of 8-9-23 through 8-11-23
Homework: . (Final Draft) with highlighted changes--due Friday, May 14th
Homework: .
Wednesday: (First Day of School)
Students Report. Students will begin the period with a survey. Then we will move into a quick activity--say it in 6. While we will discuss the syllabus slightly, we will spend more time going over my website and Canvas, looking at the Homepage, the Calendar, and the "To Do" list. Students will begin writing their Freshmen Letter to Senior Self.
Homework: Check out the website: mrsv.us.com. Look over Canvas and locate your Outlook Mail.
We will then move into reading an article from ABC News: click HERE (PDF version--click HERE) for article. Students will read and reflect on article's content: focusing on format, purpose, and key evidence. We will do a quick visual image symbolic analysis.
Students will take notes on elements of plot (Dramatic Structure Reading Response--click HERE for instructions) and suspense in preparation for reading "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell (click HERE for story link and HERE for audio).
Homework: None.
Students will pick up their Chromebooks. Students will finish taking notes on elements of plot (Dramatic Structure Reading Response--click HERE for instructions) and suspense in preparation for reading "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell (click HERE for story link and HERE for audio). Students will make note of key aspects of the two main characters in the short story in preparation of a writing assignment for the end of their reading. They will also make note of all plot details.
Homework: None. Just be sure to charge your chromebook.
Week of 8-14-23 through 8-18-23
Then students will begin placing their phones inside phone cubbies. Students will finish taking notes on elements of plot (Dramatic Structure Reading Response--click HERE for instructions) and suspense. We will continue reading "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell (click HERE for story link and HERE for audio). Students will make note of key aspects of the two main characters in the short story in preparation of a writing assignment for the end of their reading. They will also make note of all plot details.
Homework: Finish reading "The Most Dangerous Game" at home.(Final Draft) with highlighted changes--due Friday, May
Students will learn to navigate Canvas and Outlook Mail. We will continue discussing "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell. Students will have a chance to ask questions about the Dramatic Structure Reading Response that is due on Friday on Canvas.
Homework: Work on Dramatic Structure--due on Canvas on Friday.
We will finish discussing "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell. Students will discuss the end of the story and whether or not Rainsford is guilty of a crime. Students will pick two pieces of key evidence of action in the story and two key pieces of dialogue (these must be quotes). Students will work on Reading Response for the remainder of the period.
Homework: Work on Dramatic Structure Reading Response--due on Friday.
Students will return to "The Most Dangerous Game" where we will continue looking closely at the decision Rainsford made at the end of the story. Students will compose a brief one-page argument to determine whether Rainsford made the best decision to "end" the game with General Zaroff. Students must complete the one-page opening argument for the Rainsford court case and turn into Canvas at the end of the period. Use MLA format for one-page argument.vas.
Homework: Finish Dramatic Structure Reading Response and upload to Canvas.
Students will read and discuss "The Sniper" by Liam O'Flaherty and its suspense elements. Students will develop a Suspense Chart where they will work with properly citing quotes from a text. Students need to pick 5 quotes, properly cited, that capture elements of suspense to be charted.
Homework: Finish determining your quotes, images, and level of intensity for suspense.
Week of 8-21-23 through 8-25-23
We will begin developing the Suspense Chart for "The Sniper" to reflect our understanding of parenthetical citation and suspense. Students should complete the quotes in text boxes, build their bar graph, and come up with ideas for images to reflect the events they chose for their Suspense Chart.
Homework: Students will finish their Suspense Chart. For the chart, use color; check grammar, punctuation, and spelling; check quote; be sure to have an image for each event on the chart; each bar on the graph should have a different color; their should be 5 correctly cited parenthetical citations in chronological order.(Final Draft) with highlighted changes--due Friday, May
SSR. Students will read their last short story, "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson. We will unpack some terms pertinent to the story: patriarchy, scapegoating, conforming, tradition, and culture.
Homework: None.
SSR. We will then analyze the choice Jackson made in Tessie and placing her as the "winner" of the annual lottery. Students will determine why Jackson chose to give Tessie Hutchinson the black dot and what this says about the society in which Tessie lives. We will begin an MLA formatted Google Doc for our paragraph literary analysis.
Homework: Students will type up their "Lottery" analysis on Google Docs in MLA format--it is only a paragraph, containing a hook, background info, a thesis, supported by two parenthetically cited quotes and thorough analysis--due Friday.
SSR. Students will continue working on "The Lottery" analysis paragraph. Be sure that it is typed in MLA format and consists of the outline components noted on Canvas. Incorporate two parenthetically cited quotes as support.vas.
Homework: Finish typing up "Lottery" analysis on Google Docs in MLA format and upload to Canvas.
Begin with a peer edit. Students will move toward our first novel of the year--The House on Mango Street. Students will read an article, "My Purple House", in which they will garner an idea about the type of person and writer Sandra Cisneros, the author of House, is. They will read the article and answer the following questions: 1. What purpose does Sandra Cisneros have in writing this article? 2. What insight does this article give to help us understand Sandra Cisneros as a person? 3) What does this article tell us about the treatment of the Tejano people of her community?
Homework: Students should finish their responses from class.
Week of 8-28-23 through 9-1-23
Click on the following link for HOMS: The House on Mango Street
Click on the following link for HOMS Q's: House on Mango Street PowerPoint Q's
SSR: Everyday, except Friday (Bring Independent Reading book daily!!)
Students will head to the library to pick a book for their Independent Reading assignment for their first quarter.
Homework: None.
SSR. Students will conduct a peer review of the "The Lottery" analysis in order to make a more effective argument. Students will complete their revision for homework.
Homework: Students will finish their "Lottery" analysis and upload to Canvas. Sample Analysis Paragraph: click here.
SSR. Students will read the first chapter of HOMS. We will discuss the structure of the novel as well as the type of analysis they will accompolish with this story. Students will work with the S.E.A. method (Statement, Evidence, and Analysis). They will work with these questions through the reading of the novel. Students will read the first two chapters: "The House on Mango Street" and "Boys and Girls". Check the story link at the top of the page.
Homework: Students should begin working on their Independent Reading book.
SSR. Students will read through "My Name" and "Hairs" in HOMS and answer questions in the S.E.A. method. We will go over questions and criteria for the Name Frame Poem, due on Tuesday--this must be on a Google Doc and uploaded to Canvas.
Homework: Students should finish their responses from class for the chapters we have completed this week. Click link at the top of the page for the questions.
Students will read through "Cathy Queen of Cats" and "Our Good Day" in HOMS and answer questions in the S.E.A. method.
Homework: Work on Name Frame Poem.
Week of 9-4-23 through 9-8-23
Click on the following link for HOMS: The House on Mango Street
Click on the following link for HOMS Q's: House on Mango Street PowerPoint Q's
SSR: Everyday, except Friday (Bring Independent Reading book daily!!)
No School. Labor Day.
Homework: None.
SSR. Practice on CommonLit. Develop Name Frame Poem on Google Doc.
Homework: Students will finish Name Frame Poem and upload to Canvas.
SSR. Pre-Assessment on CommonLit.
Homework: Students should continue working on their Independent Reading book.
SSR. Students will read through "Cathy Queen of Cats" and "Our Good Day" in HOMS and answer questions in the S.E.A. method.
Homework: Students should finish their responses from class for the chapters we have completed this week. Click link at the top of the page for the questions.
Students will read through "Laughter" and "Gil's Furniture Bought & Sold" in HOMS and answer questions in the S.E.A. method.
Homework: Work on Imitative "Laughter" vignette. Bring a memorable object on Wednesday of next week. Prepare to share your memory.
Week of 9-11-23 through 9-15-23
Click on the following link for HOMS: The House on Mango Street
Click on the following link for HOMS Q's: House on Mango Street PowerPoint Q's
SSR: Everyday, except Friday (Bring Independent Reading book daily!!)
SSR. Students will read "Laughter" and "Gil's Furniture Bought & Sold" in HOMS. Students will work with the S.E.A. method (Statement, Evidence, & Analysis) on both chapter responses. We will focus on "Laughter" and the nature of Cisneros' comparison between the sets of sisters. Students will pick a member of their family for which they have commonalities and differences.
Homework: Students will work on their Imitative Vignette for "Laughter", comparing themselves and a family member, using sensory descriptive language. Students need to have the following criteria: a simile, a metaphor, a personification, at least one similarity, and at least one difference. Bring an object (by Thursday) from home that represents a memory.
SSR. Students will work on their "Laughter Imitative Vignette--due Thursday.
Homework: Work on Imitative Vignette for "Laughter". Bring an object from home by Thursday.
SSR. We will continue reading HOMS and answering questions for vignettes in HOMS: "Meme Ortiz" and "Louie, His Cousin, & Other Cousin".
Homework: Finish typing up Imitative Vignette for "Laughter" and upload to Canvas. Bring an object that represents a memory to class tomorrow.
SSR. Students will share their object they brought to class that represents a memory for them. Students will write a reflection on the memory they shared--just a quickwrite for today.
Homework: Students should begin gathering details for their memory.
Students will work with ideas related to their memory--they will unpack important details, focusing on one specific moment from that memory to explain the impact and the importance of what the student learned. Students will need to pull in all five senses for descriptive detail; they must have at least one of each of the following: simile, metaphor, personification, and onomatopoeia. Read a few example essays in class.
Homework: Work on autobiographical details based upon memory.
Week of 9-18-23 through 9-22-23
Click on the following link for HOMS: The House on Mango Street
Click on the following link for HOMS Q's: House on Mango Street PowerPoint Q's
SSR: Everyday, except Friday (Bring Independent Reading book daily!!)
SSR. Students will read "Marin", "Those Who Don't", and "There Was an Old Woman..." in HOMS. Students will work with the S.E.A. method (Statement, Evidence, & Analysis) on all chapter responses. We will build our female archetype chart.
Homework: Work on Autobiographical Essay--due Thursday, September 21 on Canvas.
SSR. Students will address progress on their Autobiographical essay. We will discuss unpacking details and incorporating sensory details that bring their writing to life. We will return to HOMS and read "Alicia Who Sees Mice". We will begin discussing key roles that we see women in this novel being push towards and who fits.
Homework: Continue typing up Autobiographical Essay.
SSR. Students will read "Darius and the Cloud" and "And Some More". Students will continue answering questions in S.E.A method for each chapter. We will return to the Autobiographical essay to see if students have questions.
Homework: Finish typing Autobiographical Incident essay and upload to Canvas.
SSR. Students will conduct a peer edit, using the peer edit option on Canvas.
Homework: Students will begin revising a final draft for their autobiographical incident essay. Students will use a different color than they have used for the figurative language and sensory detail to show changes they made from the rough draft to the final.
Students will work on HOMS Q's while reading "The Family of Little Feet" and "A Rice Sandwich". We will add characters and quotes to our Female Archetype chart.
Homework: Work on revising autobiographical details for essay--due Wednesday.
Week of 9-25-23 through 9-29-23
Click on the following link for HOMS: The House on Mango Street
Click on the following link for HOMS Q's: House on Mango Street PowerPoint Q's
SSR: Everyday, except Friday (Bring Independent Reading book daily!!)
SSR. We will add characters and quotes to our Female Archetype chart. Students will work on HOMS Q's while reading "The Family of Little Feet". Students will work with the S.E.A. method (Statement, Evidence, & Analysis) on all chapter responses. We will build our female archetype chart.
Homework: Work on final draft of Autobiographical Essay--due Wednesday, September 27 on Canvas.
SSR. Then we will read and answer questions for "A Rice Sandwich" and "Chanclas" in HOMS. We will work through thematic concepts from the novel.
Homework: Finish typing final draft of Autobiographical Essay--upload to Canvas.
SSR. Then we will read and answer questions for "Hips" in HOMS. The students will have finished the first half of the book at this point. They will jigsaw the reading for the rest of the book and present a vignette to the class. Students will go over the Jigsaw Group Project/Presentation. Students will form groups of 5 or 6 people. They will be assigned a group of vignettes to read and present. Once students are assigned the vignettes, they will start reading through them together and discussing their significance.
Homework: Read the vignettes assigned to your group. Be sure to be clear on concepts.
SSR. Students will finish discussing the vignettes their group was assigned. They will determine the theme, key quote, key ideas, conflict, and possible female archetype that may be present in the chapters. They will also brainstorm significant symbolic images.
Homework: Students will work on finishing their Independent Reading book.
Then we will return to the group work for the Jigsaw Project. Students will assign vignettes to each member of the group. Based upon notes from yesterday, students will start putting together details on their assigned vignette.
Homework: Work on finishing Independent Reading book.
Week of 10-2-23 through 10-6-23
Click on the following link for HOMS: The House on Mango Street
Click on the following link for HOMS Q's: House on Mango Street PowerPoint Q's
SSR: Everyday, except Friday (Bring Independent Reading book daily!!)
SSR. Students will add images to their slide show and finalize all touches to their visual detail for the presentation. Students will practice delivery of their vignette in preparation for the presentation.
Homework: Finalize any details on your slides.
SSR. Students will practice delivery a couple of times with their group. Then they will come up and present their details of their vignette to the class. Go over the essay prompt for HOMS. Deliver Jigsaw presentations.
Homework: Practice delivery of presentation for tomorrow.
SSR. Deliver Jigsaw presentations.
Homework: Work on finishing Independent Reading book.
SSR. Students will continue delivery of Jigsaw presentations. Students will note key quotes for female archetypes in HOMS.
Homework: Students will work on finishing their Independent Reading book.
We will finish presentations, and students will finish making notes on key female archetypes. Students should start determining which female archetypes they will want to discuss in their essay.
Homework: Work on finishing Independent Reading book. Students should narrow down which 3 archetypes on which they would like to focus their essay and which 2 characters they wish to include for each archetype.
Week of 10-16-23 through 10-20-23
Click on the following link for HOMS: The House on Mango Street
Click on the following link for HOMS Q's: House on Mango Street PowerPoint Q's
SSR: Everyday, except Friday (Bring Independent Reading book daily!!)
Library Orientation and book exchange for Independent Reading book.
Homework: Finish introduction for HOMS essay.
SSR. Review sample introductory paragraphs and body paragraphs for the HOMS essay. Students will work with assessing strength and weakness in examples. Then students will begin work on their first two body paragraphs.
Homework: Finish next two body paragraphs.
SSR. Students will provide edits to a peer's paper. We will then look at a couple more body paragraph examples. Students will work with properly editing a student sample essay.
Homework: Students will make changes to their essay and add another body paragraph.
The Great Shakeout!! SSR. Students will be placed in color groups and be matched with a student to provide feedback on their HOMS essay. We will discuss the conclusion paragraph.
Homework: Students will complete their rough draft of the HOMS essay. They will upload their essay to Canvas to complete a peer review tomorrow in class.
Students will complete their peer review of their assigned paper. If finished early, students may begin their revision and highlight changes.
Homework: Students should work on revision of their HOMS essay.
Week of 10-23-23 through 10-27-23
Click on the following link for Fahrenheit 451 text: Fahrenheit 451
SSR: Everyday, except Friday (Bring Independent Reading book daily!!)
We will be scored on annotations after every part of Fahrenheit 451--there are 3 parts!!
SSR. Students will begin working with ideas for Fahrenheit 451 by reading "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury. Audio recording (click HERE). Students will practice annotating their text properly, also in preparation for reading Fahrenheit.
Homework: Revise HOMS essay and highlight changes.
SSR. We will begin reading Fahrenheit 451. Students will begin annotating the text, every other page.
Homework: Students will read through page 37 and annotate the pages in Fahrenheit. Revise HOMS essay and highlight changes.
SSR. Students will continue reading from Fahrenheit. We will discuss literacy laws in U.S. history. We will discuss the symbolism of the salamander in Part 1 of the book.
Homework: Students will read through page 49 and annotate the pages in Fahrenheit. Finalize revision and highlighted changes of HOMS essay and upload revision to Final Draft of HOMS essay.
SSR. Students will discuss the banning of books from the Fahrenheit 451 novel and the paradox of Captain Beatty. Before our discussion, students will share their questions with their table that they have about what is happening in the novel. We will address them during discussion. I will have students share some of their annotations.
Homework: Students will read through page 65 in the PDF of Fahrenheit. Annotate every other page. You should have about 32 or 33 by now. Part 1 annotations are due tomorrow.
SSR. Students will discuss posing critical thinking questions: click HERE for ideas. Read "The Pedestrian"--what are the views in context of Fahrenheit? Who is this in the novel? .
Homework: Students will read through page 86 in the PDF of Fahrenheit. Annotate every other page. You should have about 43 by now.
Week of 10-30-23 through 11-3-23
Click on the following link for Fahrenheit 451 text: Fahrenheit 451
SSR: Everyday, except Friday (Bring Independent Reading book daily!!)
We will be scored on annotations after every part of Fahrenheit 451--there are 3 parts!!
SSR. Students will have their annotations checked for Part 1 of Fahrenheit 451. Students will discuss posing critical thinking questions: click HERE for ideas. Watch John Green clip about book censoring.
Homework: Students will read through page 115 in the PDF of Fahrenheit. Annotate every other page. You should have about 57 or 58 by now.
SSR. Students will share their critical thinking questions at their table. They will choose two of the best questions and be ready to explain why. We will work with answering some of these questions as we discuss the reading from last night. Students will develop two more questions and begin noting key elements of Bradbury's argument and his use of symbolism in the text. Listen and take notes on an NPR news piece about book censorship.
Homework: Students will read through page 132 and annotate the pages in Fahrenheit. You should be finished with Part 2 in Fahrenheit.
SSR. Students will complete a Kahoot for Part 2 of Fahrenheit. We will go through a PowerPoint to further examine Book Banning week.
Homework: Students will read Part 3 of Fahrenheit through page 158 and annotate the pages in Fahrenheit.
SSR. Students will discuss the end of the novel and what they understand Bradbury's argument to be. We will view a few clips that further discuss banning of books for the essay prompt. Students will show their annotations for Part 2 of Fahrenheit.
Homework: Students will finish all annotations--due tomorrow--last chance.
SSR. Students will discuss the synthesis essay prompt about Fahrenheit and the banning of books. The last of the annotations will be checked--Part 3.
Homework: Students will decide which sources they want to use for their essay.
Week of 11-6-23 through 11-10-23
Click on the following link for Fahrenheit 451 text: Fahrenheit 451
SSR: Everyday, except Friday (Bring Independent Reading book daily!!)
SSR. Students will have their final sources for the Fahrenheit prompt. Students will view and take notes on two more sources from parent perspectives on book banning. Students will type up their position, three reasons for position, and which sources they will use for their essay.
Homework: Students will read their Independent Reading book.
SSR. Students will work on their first two paragraphs of their censorship essay. Students will type up their paragraphs in Canvas and upload.
Homework: Students will read their Independent Reading book.
SSR. Students will Finish their Fahrenheit essay and upload to Canvas.
Homework: Students will read their Independent Reading book.
SSR. Students will meet up with Link Crew today.
Homework: Students will work on reading in Independent Reading book.
No School. Veteran's Day!!!!
Homework: .
Week of 10-9-23 through 10-13-23
Click on the following link for HOMS: The House on Mango Street
Click on the following link for HOMS Q's: House on Mango Street PowerPoint Q's
SSR: Everyday, except Friday (Bring Independent Reading book daily!!)
No School. Indigenous People's Day.
Homework: Read Independent Reading book.
Deliver Jigsaw presentations.
Homework: Read Independent book.
1st Period: Assembly for Freshmen. 2nd Period: Deliver Jigsaw presentations.
Homework: Work on finishing Independent Reading book.
Students will finish delivery of Jigsaw presentations. Students will note key quotes for female archetypes in HOMS.
Homework: Finish Independent Reading assignment by tomorrow. Two-page paper should be uploaded to Canvas, or if you are presenting slides, share slides with myvillarancho@gmail.com.
Students will deliver Independent Reading presentations.
Homework: Students should narrow down which 3 archetypes on which they would like to focus their essay and which 2 characters they wish to include for each archetype. We will pick up our new Independent Reading book on Monday.
Week of 1-8-24 through 1-12-24
Speak text (click here for PDF)
Archetypal Symbolism Notes (click HERE)
Students will take notes on archetypes. We will briefly discuss the concept of archetypes and practice deciphering them. Students will begin reading and analyzing an article from the NY Times regarding the mental health issue of depression (click HERE for article). Students will pick up the book tomorrow and begin reading and taking notes on archetypal and contextual symbolism.
Homework: None.
Students will return TKAM and pick up Speak. We will read the first three pages and take Cornell Notes on archetypal and contextual symbolism.
Homework: Students will read pages 3-26 in Speak and come in with three added Cornell notes--quote and analysis.
Students will analyze quotes from Speak, from last night's reading and some from their homework. The students will work with the quotes from this PowerPoint (click here).
Homework: Students will read pages 26-46 and note three more Cornell Notes--quote and analysis.
Students will deconstruct a few quotes from Speak that are key to the main character's, Melinda, struggle.
Homework: Students should read pages 49-65 and note three more Cornell Notes--quote and analysis.
Students will share concepts picked up in last night's reading to develop Cornell Notes on archetypes.
Homework: Students will read pages 65-119. Students will note six key quotes in their Cornell Notes which they will analyze for their significance.
Week of 1-15-24 through 1-19-24
Speak text (click here for PDF)
No School.
Homework: Read Independent Reading book.
SSR. Students will discuss key quotes from their reading and their thoughts on what is happening to Melinda. Students will share which symbols stand out from their reading.)
Homework: Students will finish key quote analysis.
SSR. Kahoot. We will go over key quotes. Use the graphic novel to analyze our character Melinda from Speak. Finish most of the third marking period.
Homework: Students will finish key quote analysis.
SSR. Continue reading the graphic novel, focusing on the third marking period. Students will discuss the events of the end of Summer Party. We will focus on fact vs. speculation and analysis. We want to eliminate subjectivity and act as reporters for this event. Students will complete a Headline Reading Response for what happened on this evening. Students will have another option to complete a One-pager, focusing on Melinda's mental health crisis.
Homework: Students will work on the Headline Reading Response or One-Pager--due on Tuesday--print a copy for class and upload the digital to Canvas.
We will start reading the fourth quarter section of Speak. We will continue to copy quotes and analyze their implications in the text.
Homework: Students should finish reading Speak and note key quotes for analysis. Work on Headline Response or One-Pager Tuesday on Canvas. Print a copy for class as well.
Week of 1-22-24 through 1-26-24
Speak text (click here for PDF)
SSR. Students will begin reading and analyzing "The Fourth Marking Period" in Speak. Students will analyze key quotes about Melinda's healing process. We will then return to the Reading Response. Students will work on the One-Pager or Headline Reading Response.
Homework: Work on Reading Response--due Friday on Canvas. Read Independent Reading book.
SSR. Students will share which symbols stand out from their reading in "The Fourth Marking Period". We will finish Speak and begin discussing the essay.
Homework: Students will continue working on the Reading Response--due Friday on Canvas.
SSR. Kahoot. We will return to working on the Reading Response--last day in class to work. Begin work on the essay.
Homework: Students will finish key quote analysis. Work on Reading Response--due Friday.
SSR. Students will complete an outline on the Speak essay. Students will use the following Google Doc to help format their Speak outline: click HERE.
Homework: Students will finish the Headline Reading Response or One-Pager--due on Tuesday--print a copy for class and upload the digital to Canvas.
Students will finish the outline of the Speak essay.
Homework: Students should finish outline. Read Independent Reading book.
Week of 1-29-24 through 2-2-24
Speak text (click here for PDF)
SSR. Students will work on the next leg of their Speak essay. Students will continue to flesh out their essay, from the introduction through all four body paragraphs. We will look at sample essays for conclusion.
Homework: Students will the next two body paragraphs.
SSR. Students will continue work on the Speak essay, fleshing out two more body paragraphs. We will also discuss adding two nonfiction sources to supplement our understanding of the main characters anxiety and depression.
Homework: Students will complete two more body paragraphs.
SSR. Students will edit each other's essay by discussing their approach, concept.
Homework: Students will finish the Speak essay by Friday, uploading it to turnitin.com by 9:05am.
SSR. Students will begin discussing the I-Search topic. Students will list 5 activites they have never tried but have always wanted to experience. Then students will write 5 questions about each activity--what they wonder about it, what excites them, what scares them, and what they do not understand about the activity. We will begin discussing poetry in preparation for reading The Long Way Down and Romeo and Juliet. We will read through and analyze "The Secret in the Cat".
Homework: Students should finish working on the Speak essay and uploading it to Canvas by 9:30am tomorrow.
Students will begin revising each other's essays on turnitin.com, conducting a peer edit.
Homework: Begin revising your Speak essay--Due on Wedenesday on Canvas.